scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

E.A. Litvinets, V.R. Balabanyk

Study of antioxidant protection in patients with acute epididymitis


In our study an attempt was made to find out the diagnostic and predictive value of antioxidant protection in patients with acute epididymitis (AE) during treatment. All patients examined before treatment showed a decrease in the activity of catalase enzymes (CA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). At the time of admission to the hospital in all patients with AE, the levels of activity of SOD and CA enzymes were reduced, indicating a high oxidative stress and activation of the antioxidant defense system in this disease. During treatment, these rates gradually increased. The data obtained can be used to monitor the effectiveness of patients’ treatment. We also investigated the levels of essential elements of zinc and cuprum, which are also elements of antioxidant protection.