scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

O.I. Yatsyna

Quality of life of women in its interrelation with the prevalence of urinary tract disorder in Ukraine


The paper presents a comparative analysis of the results of a complex approach to the definition of the prevalence of urination disorders and the quality of life associated with it in the female population of Ukraine. The study provides for a simultaneous study of data of the official statistics received in 2016 performed for the first time by special ordering according to the program concerning the compilation of statistical reports by state institutions subordinated to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and which are beyond its scope, as well as this year’s population survey of 30,000 women from all regions of the country.

The peculiarities of the structure of urination disorders in women were highlighted, regional differences in the number of cases of registered patients, which did not coincide with the distribution of them according to respondents’ answers, were revealed.

There was confirmed the negative influence of urinary incontinence on the quality of life in women and its evaluation was made by the proposed five-point system. The changes in age and place of residence were traced.

There were received the substantiations of actuality for further deepening of the study of the real state of the problem in Ukraine, its perspective directions were identified, the leading ones being the improvement of diagnosis, the increase of the effectiveness of medical treatment with the promotion of its surgical types on the background of large-scale targeted educational programs. All above facts will help to disclose the real situation in the Ukraine concerning the prevalence of the urination disorders, this will contribute to the availability of qualified care and, as a consequence, will ensure, at least, the quality of life of women with urinary incontinence.